Do you have any questions?

+351 282 412 115

Let yourself be surprised
With our unique accommodations!
Let yourself be surprised
With our unique accommodations!
Let yourself be surprised
With our unique accommodations!
Let yourself be surprised
With our unique accommodations!

Required fields are followed by *

The best accommodation in Algarve

We offer a peaceful and cozy haven for tourists who want to explore our region. Located in the heart of the city, our accommodation is perfect for those looking for comfort, convenience and hospitality.

The right choice

Beachfront accommodation

The best destination

Convenience and Security

Featured Amenities

Free Wifi

Stay connected with our high-speed WiFi connection throughout your stay.

Breakfast included

Start your day with a delicious breakfast prepared with fresh, local ingredients.

Free Parking

We offer free parking for all our guests to ensure a peaceful and worry-free stay.

Spacious Terrace

Relax and enjoy the stunning sea view from our spacious terrace, let yourself be enchanted by our beautiful sunsets.

Our rooms

Double Room

Ideal for couples with children


Our choice

Single Room

Ideal for 1 person

What to visit in Albufeira?

This website can be yours

We create the website

We create your website, with a unique design and layout, essential features for your accommodations

We take care of everything

We host the website and handle the domain for you, we also integrate the website with payment methods and billing software

Backoffice to change content

Interface to change accommodation details, images, amenities, extra services and much more

Backoffice to change rates and availability

Easily change availability prices. And sync calendars from other platforms

What we offer

Avoid unnecessary fees desnecessárias

What you really get 85%
What you really get 85%
With us*
What you really get 98%

*The only fee that exists is related to the chosen payment method, this amount may vary according to the contract in force with the company that will be responsible for payments. The rates shown refer to ifthenpay and PayPal. These are data from April 2024, however they may be out of date, so we recommend that you check the actual rates with a payment entity of your choice.

Payment fees*


0.22€ + 1.7%*

0.07€ + 0.7%*

0.20€ + 1.5%*

0.35€ + 2.90%*

Example 1

O cliente paga 690€ numa reserva com transferência bancária

A Airbnb e a Booking cobra apróx.: 90€

Connosco: Gratuito

Example 2

O cliente paga 690€ numa reserva com cartão de crédito

A Airbnb e a Booking cobra apróx.: 90€

Connosco: Apenas 10,60€

Example 3

O cliente paga 690€ numa reserva com MB Way

A Airbnb e a Booking cobra apróx.: 90€

Connosco: Apenas 4,92€

Example 4

O cliente paga 690€ numa reserva com pagamento à chegada

A Airbnb e a Booking cobra apróx.: 90€

Connosco: Gratuito

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Payment Methods

Depending on the contract made with the payment entities, generally between 1 and 3 business days.

The customer may have the option of making payments using Multibanco, MBWay, Credit/Debit Card, ApplePay, CofidisPay, PayPal, Bank Transfer, among others... These payment methods can later be chosen according to what best suits the client's needs. your business.

The integration is carried out by us free of charge, we also assist in contracting with payment entities. Providing support so that integration is secure and occurs without failures.

Our pricing

Plano Semestral

Pagamento de 6 em 6 meses
95* /mês
  • Área reservada
  • Sistema de Reservas
  • Integração com Calendários
    (Booking, Airbnb, etc)
  • Layout & Design Exclusivo
  • Chat e Redes Sociais
  • Alojamento e Domínio Grátis

Plano Anual

Pagamento todos os anos
90* /mês
  • Área reservada
  • Sistema de Reservas
  • Integração com Calendários
    (Booking, Airbnb, etc)
  • Layout & Design Exclusivo
  • Chat e Redes Sociais
  • Alojamento e Domínio Grátis
Mais Escolhido

Plano Vitalício

Pagamento Único
  • Área reservada
  • Sistema de Reservas
  • Integração com Calendários
    (Booking, Airbnb, etc)
  • Layout & Design Exclusivo
  • Chat e Redes Sociais
  • Alojamento e Domínio (opcional + 94,90€*/ano)

Peça agora o seu plano!